Friday, January 2, 2009

Tokyo - Japan

Tokyo, largest city in the world, most of the residents are in this photo.
Jason picked us up from the airport and we sat on the heated train seats for the 90minutes it takes to get to his styley apartment.

Skyscrapers with distinctivly 90's colour schemes and materials, harshly but beautifuly pruned trees and flocks of silverheaded, gold top sock wearing, smiling businessmen cement all the stereotypes we had firmly in our minds.

Megan, Jason and Eiko, his Japanese girlfriend, inside the imperial palace gardens what are only open to the public twice a year, we were lucky enough to be there on one of those days - the emporors birthday.

This image looks like an architectural rendering or something

The big dog Leslie, in the part of town where socks shops rule supreme and the alternative elite gather to text other people.

And just around the corner from there, a murder of rock and roll dancing elvis impersonators, using convenience store beers to enhance there twisty footwork.


Chromatophobic said...

Harajuku! Awww little Les is so cute!!

m.j. said...

Hey Clark!
have been secretly following your blog for a bit now and i just love the commentary you give for the photos... makes me smile
hope you're enjoying your trip! miriam xox