Friday, January 2, 2009

Back in Tokyo, Japan

After a day dedicated to fixing sore feet and rest after fitfull busride sleeps we began a random 18 hours that orbited midnight Dec 31st. Rollercoaster that goes 130kmh and through a building, skyscraper sightseeing, Martinis etc @ New York Club (above) on the 52nd floor of the Hyatt Hotel, beers in the backpack street walking, balloon release ceremony at a central city shrine, body squeezingly tight packed night club, 2hr train ride home while Jason drank all his alcahol in reverse all over the place. Brilliant. My camera ran outa bateries early in the night, but the insta-cam I bought is being processed in Brixton London as I write this, so looking forward to the downloads from that.

We decided to shell out for the pic, cos it included parts of us all - Dans chin (top left), Jens hands and neck (bottom right) and parts of Jason, and big bits of Megan and I. This is also about the 5th amazing photo of Megans 'what the f*ck am I doing' face since we started out trip. I should really make a montage of them.

1 comment:

Chromatophobic said...

Haha, Megan's face! In Ken's words that rollercoaster is so "It will be awesome, wasn't it!". You have to go more than once if you can afford it. We didn't get those 'official' photos cos they were too hideous. We looked like sweaty multi-chinned grimacing psychiatric patients.